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French Language:

Cartoons, books, audio, webcam, games:

200+ audio lessons - French songs (60 CD+)
jeux educatifs
software (Lapin Malin, Adibou...)
webcam recording own pronunciation, day-to-day conversation
BlakeEtMortimer - Tintin - Astérix - Albator - CapitaineFlam - 500 comics...
classical French literature
grammar, dictation, spelling, translation, conversation, reading, writing, Memory, French vocabulary
Apprendre l'orthographe (book), Larousse Aide mémoire Français (book), Manuel de conversation:Français-Anglais (book), Grammaire française (book)
Thésaurus Larousse: find and learn all words of French vocabulary related to a subject (lexical field) and discuss their meaning
French and Québec cities, geography, history

many other websites out there provide inacurate information

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