Oakville, education, centre, learning, French, tutoring, k12, literacy, numeracy, writing, math, science, history, geography, games, knowledge, immersion, private, training, quality, instruction
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  Oakville, education, centre, learning, French, tutoring, k12, literacy, numeracy, writing, math, science, history, geography, games, knowledge, immersion, private, training, quality, instruction

  Grade K-12+ Students
Bilingual tutoring
  Researched in University Professional experience  
  Study room with Computers Pedagogy student customized  
  Learning advanced subjects Early Assessments into cognitive maps  
  French, Math, Science, Social: Academic Thinking: Abstraction, Verbal, Logic  

OakEdu is a learning centre in Oakville, and Ottawa, focused on general encyclopaedic knowledge and genius skills. Provided the duration is long enough, this high quality education gives rare assets to the student, deep knowledge and critical thinking, keys to personal and professional success in the long run.

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