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1. First step: check the feasibility index then send an email.
2. Second step: the tutor visits the parents and assesses the study room.
3. Third step: the parents visit OakEdu office and assess credentials.
4. Fourth step: the tutor meets the student, identifying, diagnosing, appraising and evaluating the educational requirements and strengths. The assessment is usually done using a simple board game as a medium. After a few minutes, the missing skills and limiting beliefs are identified. It shapes the orientation of the curriculum which OakEdu can propose.

Along the way of the program, OakEdu also uses other tools to conduct assessments that provide very detailed knowledge maps, excellent as a basis for curriculum customization. Those tools include ten different psychometric questionnaires, essentially about the learning style. Two are special: one is detailed in the thesis of Dr. R. Nolasque (based on the vocabulary only); and the other is based on Neuro-Linguistic Programming tools.
Constantly assessing formally the student's performance can lead to side-effects or even counter-productivity. This is why, at OakEdu, there is no stressful counter-productive monitoring to measure progress and performance appraisal.
Informal assessment is routinely conducted. Informal feedback and full explanations are directly given to the student, with the immediate correction or congratulation. The student, through her/his actions, will verify her/his new ability, thus naturally increasing the self-esteem and self-confidence, keys for success.

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