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Pedagogy customization flexibility:

Flexibility is high at Oakedu because we believe having more choices and options is better. We keep open the maximum number of activities. For example, in the middle of a Math course, the student can learn Geography if suddenly an interest develops in measuring square kilometers of countries. This is not because we are said in a wood to gather strawberries that we will refuse the unexpected apples, mushrooms or insects overhead. Looking for Math answers should not make the session to miss fundamental questions of another academic subject. Knowledge is everywhere, it is just a matter of opening your senses.
However, if knowledge is everywhere, there is still a general frame, a map. Some subjects are compulsory, everybody agrees on skills like English, Arithmetic, Science and Social. Flexibility doesn't mean chaos, wandering aimlessly. No, at OakEdu, the learning is focused and streamlined. There is a fixed study-room layout, same computers, same notebook, same tutors, same subjects, same educational materials, same timetable. The curriculum is well defined and the goal is to explore most of what is to know. The teaching is student-centered (Knowles' theory of andragogy), the learner is the heart of OakEdu. The customization occurs on the curriculum because it has to be adapted, adjusted to the characteristics of the particular student. All students are unique in personality and development stages. All content revolves around the student, like moons around a planet. And sooner or later, as it is with the gravitational force, it will be absorbed and included in the main body. Since OakEdu tailors and customizes each student's education, learning is much faster than at school. It is not unusual to master some subjects several years in advance (see Subjects per Grade). No time is wasted on subjects that the student is already well-versed in; no time is wasted in "pedagogic" days, March break, strike, short day, school mishaps, teacher abenteism or any "school system" time wasters. At OakEdu, the student is the centre. Academic and thinking skills are mastered, the student develops good work habits and the positive learning loop is initiated.

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