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Intellectual Skills and Processes:

Underlying all academic content, intellectual skills and thought processes are powering the human mind. A well made head, by opposition to well filled, is making all the difference between Leopold (the father) and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (the son), between a computer database and a program processing its information, between a routine repeater and a creative genius. This dimension of OakEdu's curriculum is infused through all "content" activities.
In the sessions, although most of the time is spent on the "CONTENT" and "BEHAVIOUR" levels, the invisible abstract thinking processes are omnipresent and constitute the other dimension of the teaching. These intellectual skills are on the MIND, PROCESS and ABILITY levels.
In order to teach those skills, the pedagogy is using also light hypnosis. While the conscious mind is busy tackling Mathematics or History, the unconscious mind is then free to learn much faster how to think. The medium is typically featuring academic content, in the physical shape of books, computers, sounds, IQ tests and even board games (see gamingcurriculum). Because cognitive science is a young science, not much is known for sure. However, some elements are commonly accepted as "thinking skills" and OakEdu represents them in four levels:


visualization: geometric shapes, contrast, brightness, colour, etc.
audio: volume, pitch, echo, fade, etc.
spatial awareness, time perception
pattern recognition, Path finding

Core Cognitive processes:

short / long term memory
computational speed
abstraction, distortion, generalization

Higher order Cognitive processes:

Formation / expression of ideas
Making predictions, inferences, generating, elaborating new information, making models, meaning or ideas
Attention, Curiosity, Inquiry, Experiment, Comparison, Measurement, Answer
Planning, Evaluation, Decision, Action, Conclusion
Evaluating Evidence, Qualification, Possibility, Probability, Certainty
Making Judgment, Discovery, Estimation, Belief, Doubt, Truth, Error, Absurdity
independent comprehension, critical thinking
Understanding, explaining, communicating
imagination, supposition
hypothesis-driven problem solving
deductive , inductive reasoning
building success pattern, analyzing errors, learning from mistake,
classification, sequencing, organizing
change conception, management
relationships conception, management
logical reasoning, Specious Reasoning, Sophistry
verbal skills
number sense: numeracy, counting, mental arithmetic, math logic
metacognition, self-questioning, analyzing perspectives, regulating its own behaviour (impulsivity/cold blood), pinpointing and managing triggers of processes (NLP anchors and strategies)
Making decisions, Problem solving, Inventing, Investigating, Experimenting
responding appropriately on the level emotional, physical or intellectual when confronted to others' feelings, behaviours or knowledge
Evaluating the effectiveness of the action, value or logic of ideas


analysis / synthesis
tactics / strategy
routine / change
ecosystems, cybernetics
cause / effect
theory / application
person / place / action / information / item
past / present / future, time flow perception
associated / dissociated
match similar / mismatch different
reference to other / to oneself
interest in other / in oneself
other NLP Metaprograms, more on Neuro-Linguistic Programming

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